I was able to find some time this week to work on a custom patchwork quilt that I set a May 19th deadline for. I was nervous for a while there but now the top is finished and I'm just waiting on a label from the client to start quilting. UPDATE: This quilt has been finished and delivered to the client. She was so eager to have it that I didn't even get finished pictures of it!
For Mother's Day I requested three hours of uninterrupted sewing time :) On top of that I snuck down on Saturday and Sunday evening for an extra couple of hours. I worked on my Bee top. It's all finished and I can't wait to get it basted and start the quilting.
Now that my body has adjusted a bit to being on my feet 8 hours a day and we are starting to settle into a new routine at home, I'm hoping to find some regular quilting minutes. But I don't promise to blog with any kind of regularity. To be perfectly honest, blogging is not my favorite thing to do. So it gets pushed to the back burner. Case in point: I wrote this post on Mother's Day, took the pictures the following Sunday and am just now combining the two today.
But I'm pretty good about instagramming so if you want to keep up with what's going on in my studio please follow me there. I'm ellascottage :)
Linking up with Kim for SewJo Saturday!